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Ryan Holiday on Why You Must Do the Right Thing Right Now

Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Passion Struck Podcast! In today’s discussion, we have the privilege of diving deep into the profound insights of best-selling author Ryan Holiday. Renowned for his thought-provoking works on Stoicism and ethical living, Holiday shares compelling wisdom from his book titled “Right Thing, Right Now: Good Values. Good Character. Good Deeds.”

Join us as we explore the timeless principles of doing the right thing right now and discover how cultivating good values and character can lead to a life of purpose and fulfillment. Get ready to be inspired and motivated as we delve into the transformative power of ethical decision-making with Ryan Holiday.

Want to learn the 12 philosophies that the most successful people use to create a limitless life? Order John R. Miles’s new book, Passion StruckTwelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life.

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And in case you didn’t already know it, John R. Miles (@John_R_Miles) takes your comments and questions for Momentum Friday right here every week! If you want him to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Momentum Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now, let’s dive in!

“We don’t control what our politicians do. We don’t control where the culture is going. We don’t control what our neighbors do. We don’t control what other businesses are getting away with or the ethics that they’re operating by. But we do control the decisions that we are going to make.”

ryan holiday

Hear the secrets and philosophy of the World’s GREATEST high achievers every Tuesday and Thursday, and tune in each week for an inspirational Momentum Friday solo message.

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotifyPodcast AddictPocket CastsStitcherCastboxGoogle PodcastsListen NotesAmazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube below.

Embracing Ethical Excellence: Ryan Holiday’s Journey to Virtuous Living

In this episode of Passion Struck, host John R. Miles delves into the virtue of justice with guest Ryan Holiday, a renowned author and philosopher. They discuss how justice is not just a legal concept but a way of life, emphasizing the importance of personal integrity and making tough decisions.

Drawing on historical figures like Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter, they explore how individuals can recognize and act upon moments of injustice in everyday life. Through stories of courage, self-discipline, and moral fortitude, the episode highlights the power of individual responsibility in shaping a better world. The conversation also touches on the significance of making unpopular yet morally right decisions, showcasing the transformative impact of embodying justice in daily actions.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Delve into the thought-provoking tale of President Jimmy Carter’s introspective moment during a pivotal interview, unraveling the significance of always striving to do one’s best.
  • Explore the profound impact of self-discipline and intentionality through the lens of a rigorous Naval Academy culture and its influence on decision-making during moments of moral dilemma.
  • Reflect on the principles of justice and integrity as demonstrated by historical figures like Harry Truman and John McCain, highlighting their unwavering commitment to making difficult but morally righteous decisions.
  • Gain insight into the power of self-imposed accountability through the story of baseball legend Frank Robinson, shedding light on the importance of upholding personal standards and values.
  • Discover the transformative potential of embracing a stoic philosophy in navigating life’s challenges, drawing inspiration from ancient wisdom to navigate modern-day dilemmas with courage and wisdom.
  • Learn practical strategies for recognizing and addressing instances of injustice in everyday life, empowering individuals to take proactive steps towards positive change and ethical living.


This episode offers a fascinating journey into the heart of ethical living, with Ryan Holiday as our guide. Through captivating storytelling and insightful reflections, Holiday invites us to embrace the principles of virtue and integrity in our own lives. Whether you’re seeking guidance on ethical leadership or simply striving to live with greater purpose and authenticity, this conversation provides invaluable wisdom and practical insights for navigating life’s complexities with grace and resilience. Tune in and embark on a transformative journey toward a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.

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Motivational quote said by Ryan Holiday on the Passion Struck Podcast with John R. Miles

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Exploring Stoicism with Ryan Holiday: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living

During the enlightening conversation in the Passion Struck podcast, Stoic Philosopher and author Ryan Holiday sheds light on the concept of Stoicism, drawing from his latest work, “Right Thing, Right Now.” Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that has seen a resurgence in modern times, emphasizes personal ethics, self-control, and resilience in the face of adversity.

Right Thing, Right Now by Ryan Holiday for the Passion Struck recommended books

Ryan Holiday shared his personal journey with Stoicism, starting with his introduction to the writings of Marcus Aurelius in college. He highlighted the four cardinal virtues of Stoicism: courage, discipline, justice, and wisdom, which serve as guiding principles for individuals seeking to live a virtuous life.

One of the key takeaways from the discussion was the idea that Stoicism is not just a theoretical concept but a practical way of life. Ryan emphasized the importance of embodying Stoic virtues in daily decisions and actions, not just in grand gestures but also in small interactions and significant choices.

The conversation delved into historical examples, such as the stories of Thomas Clarkson, John McCain, and Harry Truman, who exemplified Stoic principles in their decision-making processes. These individuals demonstrated the courage to do what was right, even when faced with challenging circumstances or unpopular decisions.

Ryan Holiday’s insights on Stoicism underscored the idea that justice is more than a legal concept; it is a way of life that requires individuals to recognize and act upon moments of injustice in everyday interactions. By embracing Stoic virtues and aligning personal values with actions, individuals can strive to make a positive impact in the world, following the example set by historical figures like Frank Robinson and others discussed in Ryan’s book, “Right Thing, Right Now.”

Through the lens of Stoicism, Ryan Holiday’s discussion on the Passion Struck podcast provided valuable insights into the practical application of ancient philosophy in navigating life’s challenges and striving for personal growth and integrity.


If you enjoyed this interview with Ryan Holiday, let him know by clicking on the link below and sending him a quick shout on Instagram:

Click here to show Ryan Holiday your thoughts about today’s episode on Instagram

Click here to let John R. Miles know about your number one takeaway from this episode!

If you want us to answer your questions or you want John to discuss a topic on one of our upcoming Momentum Friday episodes, drop us a line at


Please note that some of the links on this page (books, movies, music, etc.) lead to affiliate programs for which The Passion Struck podcast receives compensation. It’s just one of the ways we keep the lights on around here. Thank you so much for being so supportive!

  1. Ryan Holiday’s Website
  2. Ryan Holiday’s Facebook
  3. Ryan Holiday’s Instagram
  4. Ryan Holiday’s Twitter
  5. BUY Ryan Holiday’s Book:
  6. Passion Struck Core Value System:
  7. Listen to Passion Struck’s interviews with New York Times bestselling authors Gretchen Rubin and Seth Godin.
  8. Check out Passion Struck’s Episode Starter Packs on Spotify or Passion Struck starter packs to get started with the podcast.
  9. Want to learn the 12 philosophies that the most successful people use to create a limitless life? Pre-order John R. Miles’s new book, Passion Struck, which will be released on February 6, 2024.

Can’t miss my episode with Max H. Bazerman on How to Overcome Complicity and Create a More Ethical World

My solo episode on Why Your Micro Choices Determine Your Life

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Watch my episode with Peter Singer on the Ethical Fight for Animal Liberation Now

Listen to my solo episode on 7 Reasons Why Acts of Kindness Are More than Meets the Eye

Can’t miss my episode with Seth Godin on Why We Need Systems Change to Save the Planet

About Today’s Guest, Ryan Holiday

Passion Struck album cover with Ryan Holiday EP 466 on Why You Must Do the Right Thing, Right Now

Ryan Holiday is a renowned author, sought-after speaker, and influential figure in Stoic philosophy.

With bestselling books like “The Obstacle Is the Way” and “Ego Is the Enemy,” he brings ancient wisdom to the forefront of modern discourse, offering practical insights for personal growth and resilience. Through his engaging talks and writings, Holiday encourages audiences worldwide to embrace Stoic principles, empowering them to navigate life’s challenges with clarity and purpose.

With a unique blend of intellect and eloquence, he has become a leading voice in discussions on character, ethics, and leadership. As a thought leader in the fields of marketing and media, Holiday continues to inspire individuals and organizations to strive for excellence and embody timeless virtues in their pursuits.

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