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James Rhee On How You Lead Change through Kindness

Welcome to another insightful episode of the Passion Struck Podcast. Today, we dive deep into the transformative power of leadership with James Rhee, the author of ‘red helicopter―a parable for our times: lead change with kindness (plus a little math)’. James shares his remarkable journey of revitalizing Ashley Stewart, a once-struggling retail brand, by embracing an unconventional approach—leading with kindness and precision.

In this episode, James unpacks how kindness can be a catalyst for change in business and society, challenging traditional notions of success. Join us as we explore James Rhee’s unique perspective on leadership, human-centered values, and the profound impact of his book.

Want to learn the 12 philosophies that the most successful people use to create a limitless life? Order John R. Miles’s new book, Passion StruckTwelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life.

James Rhee picture credits – Kimberly M. Wang – Legacy Portrait & Modern Branding Photographer | Eardog Productions

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And in case you didn’t already know it, John R. Miles (@John_R_Miles) takes your comments and questions for Momentum Friday right here every week! If you want him to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Momentum Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now, let’s dive in!

“Can we create a society that triggers compassion, generosity, and real thinking, instead of hate and fear?”

james rhee

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Unlocking the Power of Kindness and Human-Centered Leadership with James Rhee

In this episode of Passion Struck, host John R. Miles interviews James Rhee, a former high school teacher turned private equity investor. James shares his journey from a humble upbringing as a Korean American in a predominantly white neighborhood to his decision to teach high school and later pursue a career in private equity. His approach challenges traditional leadership paradigms, emphasizing the importance of human-centered values in driving organizational success.

The episode delves into James’ experiences with kindness, compassion, and the importance of human-centered leadership. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, James highlights the significance of small acts of generosity and the impact they can have on individuals and communities.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Early Life and Influence: James Rhee’s upbringing as the son of immigrant caregivers instilled in him values of mutualism and responsibility for others’ well-being.
  • Kindness as Strategy: He discusses how kindness, often overlooked in corporate settings, played a pivotal role in motivating and inspiring his team during challenging times.
  • Intuitive Leadership: James emphasizes the value of intuition over traditional management strategies, highlighting how listening and empathy can transform organizational dynamics.
  • Red Helicopter Story: The symbolic red helicopter from James’ childhood resurfaced during a critical moment in his professional life, prompting a reevaluation of his values and priorities.
  • Intersection of Math and Humanity: Exploring the balance between analytical rigor and emotional intelligence, James illustrates how combining logic with compassion can lead to sustainable business outcomes.
  • Empowering Diverse Voices: He reflects on the pivotal role of inclusivity and diversity in fostering innovation and resilience within teams, drawing on personal experiences with frontline employees.


James Rhee’s narrative offers a refreshing perspective on leadership in today’s dynamic business landscape. By prioritizing kindness and embracing vulnerability, he not only revived a struggling company but also redefined success in terms of human connection and ethical leadership.

This episode challenges listeners to reconsider traditional notions of corporate strategy and invites them to explore how compassion and empathy can drive meaningful change in their own professional journeys. James Rhee’s journey serves as a reminder of the power of human connection and the value of staying true to one’s values in the face of challenges.

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Inspirational quote from James Rhee said during the Passion Struck Podcast with John R. Miles

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James Rhee’s Red Helicopter Story: A Symbol of Transformation and Leadership

During the inspiring interview with Impact Leader, Educator, and Private Equity Investor James Rhee on the Passion Struck podcast, he shared the origin of the red helicopter, a pivotal moment in his life. The story of the red helicopter dates back to James’ childhood when he was just five years old. He received a toy red helicopter as a gift from his family for a simple act of generosity – sharing half of his lunch with a friend who didn’t have food because his mother had passed away. This act of kindness, though seemingly small, had a profound impact on James and shaped his values and actions throughout his life.

Red Helicopter by James Rhee for the Passion Struck recommended books

The red helicopter story symbolizes the importance of compassion, generosity, and human connection. It highlights the power of simple acts of kindness and the impact they can have on individuals and relationships. James’ experience with the red helicopter taught him the value of empathy, understanding, and the significance of helping others in need.

In his book, “Red Helicopter,” James further explores the transformative power of kindness and compassion in leadership and personal growth. The story of the red helicopter serves as a metaphor for the deeper themes discussed in the book, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, empathy, and integrity in all aspects of life.

Drawing parallels with the conversation on the podcast, James Rhee’s discussion about the red helicopter reflects his core beliefs in leading with kindness, integrity, and human-centered leadership. The story resonates with his approach to leadership, emphasizing the importance of genuine connections, empathy, and making a positive impact in the world. Overall, the red helicopter story encapsulates the essence of James Rhee’s message and philosophy, highlighting the significance of small acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity in creating meaningful change and fostering a more inclusive and empathetic society.


If you enjoyed this interview with James Rhee, let him know by clicking on the link below and sending him a quick shout on Instagram:

Click here to show James Rhee your thoughts about today’s episode on Instagram

Click here to let John R. Miles know about your number one takeaway from this episode!

If you want us to answer your questions or you want John to discuss a topic on one of our upcoming Momentum Friday episodes, drop us a line at


Please note that some of the links on this page (books, movies, music, etc.) lead to affiliate programs for which The Passion Struck podcast receives compensation. It’s just one of the ways we keep the lights on around here. Thank you so much for being so supportive!

  1. James’ Website
  2. James’ Instagram
  3. James’ Facebook
  4. James’ Youtube Channel
  5. James’ LinkedIn
  6. BUY James Rhee’s Book:
  7. Kimberly M. Wang – Legacy Portrait & Modern Branding Photographer | Eardog Productions
  8. Passion Struck Core Value System:
  9. Listen to Passion Struck’s interviews with New York Times bestselling authors Gretchen Rubin and Seth Godin.
  10. Check out Passion Struck’s Episode Starter Packs on Spotify or Passion Struck starter packs to get started with the podcast.

Watch my solo episode on Create Work-Life Balance: 9 Simple Ways

Can’t miss my episode with Jacob Morgan on the Vital Power of Leading With Vulnerability

Listen to my interview with Gerry Hussey on How You Lead Yourself to Infinite Potential

Catch my interview with Ivo Brughmans on How to Navigate the Paradoxes of Leadership

Listen to my solo episode on 7 Reasons Why Acts of Kindness Are More than Meets the Eye

About Today’s Guest, James Rhee

Passion Struck album cover with James Rhee Episode 472 on how you lead change through kindness.

James Rhee is a transformative leader, educator, and private equity investor renowned for his pioneering approach to business and leadership. With a career spanning corporate turnarounds and educational endeavors, Rhee is celebrated for his commitment to human-centered leadership and fostering inclusive organizational cultures.

He is the author of the acclaimed book Red Helicopter: A Parable for Our Times, which details his remarkable journey and philosophy of leading change with kindness and precision. Rhee’s insights inspire audiences worldwide through his teachings at prominent institutions and his impactful consulting work, emphasizing the integration of compassion with strategic acumen to drive sustainable success.

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