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Laura Vanderkam on How to Make Time for What Matters
Laura Vanderkam on We Need to Build the Lives We Want Now

Laura Vanderkam (@lauravanderkam) joins me to discuss her new book Tranquility by Tuesday, where she lays out nine steps to manage your productivity and time by making time for what matters. Laura explains why we need to build the lives we want now and concrete strategies for getting more doneโ€”including having more fun.

Laura Vanderkam is the author of several time management and productivity books, including her latest book, which releases today, Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters. She is the host of the podcast Before Breakfast and the co-host, with Sarah Hart-Unger, of the podcast Best of Both Worlds.

–โ–บ Purchase Tranquility by Tuesday: (Amazon Link)

I still believe that people in what I call the busy years building a career and having intense caregiving responsibilities of some form or another can still feel like time is more abundant.

Laura Vanderkam

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In This Episode, Laura Vanderkam and I Discuss Her Book Tranquility By Tuesday

In Tranquility by Tuesday, Laura Vanderkam illustrates that if you want things to happen in your life, you must create your life to make it happen. Crises at work, parenting emergencies, and other life events are inevitable, and the everyday tasks – cleaning, cooking, laundry – will continue to exist. To Make time for what matters requires a resilient schedule, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. Laura Vanderkam shares nine steps for establishing joy, nourishment, and fulfillment into your week.

  • The importance of having an identity apart from work and family.
  • Why If youโ€™re happy, you need to let your boss know about it.
  • The sweet spot for time management and how to overcome being time-poor.
  • Giving yourself a bedtime and wake-up time.
  • The importance of planning on Fridays
  • The bucket list vs. creating 100 dreams.
  • Nine steps for using your time intentionally
  • Why we need to build the lives we want now
  • Have any questions, comments, or stories youโ€™d like to share? Drop us a line at [email protected]m!
  • And much moreโ€ฆ
200 | How to Make Time for What Matters | Laura Vanderkam | Passion Struck with John R. Miles
200 | How to Make Time for What Matters | Laura Vanderkam | Passion Struck with John R. Miles

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Laura Vanderkam quote from the Passion Struck podcast: How we spend our hours has a huge effect on our overall happiness.

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More From My Interview With Laura Vanderkam On How to Make Your Time Matter

Tranquility by Tuesday by Laura Vanderkam Passion Struck podcast recommended book list

During the Passion Struck podcast interview, Laura and I discussed why her goal isn’t to tackle the big pieces of a reader’s life but to change how they spend their average Tuesday.

Laura Vanderkam explains, “We often think of life in the sort of peak experiences, how you spend a vacation or something like that, but much of life is lived in these normal, average days. And so if we can upgrade how we spend our hours on an average Tuesday, our life experience will be far more positive. Just because there are so many Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, versus only looking at how you spend your two weeks of vacation a year, whatever it happens to be.

And the other thing is that many of my readers are already productive, ambitious people. I mean, they’ve made good choices about what fields they’re in, they’ve achieved some level of seniority at work, they’ve probably got great systems going on at home, they’re not your problem cases here. It’s just that they need little tweaks to make life better.

Everybody gets where they’re supposed to go, they meet their deadlines. It’s just life can often feel like a slog, particularly on our average Tuesday, life can feel like a slog. So if you can turn your average Tuesday into something that you have several moments during the day that you are genuinely looking forward to, then.

Thanks, Laura Vanderkam!

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And if you want us to answer your questions or you have a topic you would like John to discuss on one of our upcoming weekly Momentum Friday episodes, drop us a line at [email protected].

Resources From The Show With Laura Vanderkam

Please note that some of the links on this page (books, movies, music, etc.) lead to affiliate programs for which The Passion Struck podcast receives compensation. Itโ€™s just one of the ways we keep the lights on around here. Thank you so much for being so supportive!

About Todayโ€™s Guest Laura Vanderkam

Passion Struck with John R. Miles episode 200 with Laura Vanderkam on make time for what matters

Laura is the author of several time management and productivity books. Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters, shares strategies that have been proven to help busy people feel like life is more sustainable and joyful on normal days. Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done (Portfolio, May 29, 2018) explores, through more than 900 time diaries collected on a single March day, why some busy people feel relaxed about time, while others do not. 

I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time (Portfolio, 2015) tackles the question of how women combine work and life through an analysis of 1001 days in the lives of women with demanding careers and children at home. What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast (Portfolio, 2013) profiles prominent people who use time creatively to achieve their goals. 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think (Portfolio, 2010) argues that time is best approached from the holistic perspective of a week (168 hours) rather than any single day.

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John R. Miles is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of Passion Struck. This full-service media company helps people live intentionally by creating best-in-class educational and entertainment content. John is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, and author named to the ComputerWorld Top 100 IT Leaders.

John is the host of the PassionStruckPodcast. The show focused on exploring the mindset and philosophy of the worldโ€™s most inspiring people to learn their lessons to living intentionally. Passion Struck aspires to speak to the humanity of people in a way that makes them want to live better, be better and impact.

Stay tuned for JJohnโ€™slatest project, his upcoming book, which will be published in summer 2022.

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