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Why We Need To Stop Suicide Rates | Charles P. Smith | Passion struck podcast
The growing link between post traumatic stress disorder and suicide

In this episode of the Passion Struck Podcast, John R. Miles interviews USMC Veteran Charles P. Smith on why we need to stop suicide rates among veterans, active-duty military members, and the general population. Through this video, he and John R. Miles are trying to bring a voice to the voiceless.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hrs a day 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

37 |What Can Be Done to Prevent Suicides w/ Charles P. Smith
37 |What Can Be Done to Prevent Suicides w/ Charles P. Smith

In their interview, John and Charles discuss how mental illness is just as important if not more important as physical health, yet it is viewed completely differently. If someone’s mental health isn’t there, we need to talk about it.

Charles provides shocking information that since September 11th, there have been over 115,000 veterans who have taken their lives through suicide – a 20:1 ratio of suicides in the military community compared to those who lost their lives in combat over that time period.  

Through that lens, they discuss why it is a subject that needs greater focus at the highest levels of the military and government. And the growing link between post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide rates. 

New Interviews with the World’s GREATEST high achievers will be posted every Tuesday with a Momentum Friday inspirational message!

Statistics on suicide rates

According to the 2020 National Veterans Suicide Prevention Annual report, Suicide continues to increase in the U.S. adult population. 46,510 American adults died by suicide in 2018, compared with 45,390 in 2017 and 31,610 in 2005. That is a 47.1% increase, and the rate of suicides in veterans is 1.5x that of the general population. The average rose from 86.6 per day in 2005 to 127.4 in 2018. Of the 46,510 American adults who died from suicide in 2018, 6,435 are U.S. Veterans.

Across the nation, the number of suicide deaths has been rising since the turn of the millennium. From 2005 to 2018, there was a 47.1% increase in the number of suicide deaths in the general population, coinciding with an increase in the U.S. adult population. Overall, from 2005 to 2018, the age- and sex-adjusted suicide rates among Veterans were higher and rose faster than those among non-Veteran U.S. adults.

Globally, suicide rates are also only increasing over the years. Based on recent studies, it illustrates that 800,000 people die worldwide by suicide each year.

Suicide Rates Reports:

Post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide rates

The National Center for PTSD 2017 report found an association between post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide. And, the association between PTSD and suicide is particularly relevant to military members and Veterans. Among US Army service members from 2001โ€“2009, those who died by suicide were almost 13x more likely to have received a diagnosis of PTSD than all Army service members in the same time period.

One study examined all suicide deaths from 1994โ€“2006 using the Danish national healthcare and social registries and found that persons with PTSD had 5.3x the death rate from suicide than persons without PTSD.

A subsequent study examined death from suicide among all persons diagnosed with PTSD in Denmark from 1995โ€“2011 and found that after adjustment for demographics and pre-existing comorbid psychiatric diagnoses, persons with PTSD had 13x the rate of suicide than persons without PTSD.


Why We Need To Stop Suicide Rates Show Notes

  • The background for the TEDx Talk
  • Suicide victims are in a pain we can’t explain
  • Why mental health in the military has to change
  • Steps that could be taken by leaders to reduce suicide rates
  • The Veteran Affairs (VA) experience with PTSD
  • Proposing a new concept as military for life
  • Why it’s cheaper to treat someone with a mental illness
  • The lack of proper care
  • Internalizing the pain
  • Dedication to Tim Arruda

Quotes From Charles P. Smith

“These people who take that step to take their life, they are in pain we can’t understand.”

“When they take their life, they think that they are becoming less of a burden on others when the reality is it actually hurts the people that they love.”

“This is a way to give a voice to the now voiceless.”

“And when you look at the statistics, in particular, in the veteran community, the suicide rate is one and a half times that in the general population.”

Quotes from Charles P. Smith



Charles is a servant leader and passionate veteranโ€™s advocate. He recently had the honor of becoming a TED Talk speaker on the topic of veteran suicide. He felt compelled to raise awareness of this serious and important issue following the death by suicide of his own executive officer in May 2019.

Charles P. Smith TedX:


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