New release - PASSION STRUCK


Passion Struck album cover with Dr. Lynn Matrisian episode 373 -1

373 | Pancreatic Cancerโ€™s New Hope for a Cure | Dr. Lynn Matrisian | Passion Struck with John R. Miles

On Passion Struck, I welcome Dr. Lynn Matrisian, PanCAN’s Chief Science Officer, to discuss pancreatic cancer’s new hope for a cure. In this deeply personal episode of the Passion Struck podcast, host John R. Miles invites Dr. Lynn Matrisian, the Chief Science Officer at the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN), for a poignant discussion on

373 | Pancreatic Cancerโ€™s New Hope for a Cure | Dr. Lynn Matrisian | Passion Struck with John R. Miles Read More ยป

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