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3 Reasons to Never Believe a Prediction That Doesn’t Ignite You | John R. Miles | Passion Struck Podcast
This episode was inspired by Sean Stephenson

Sean Stephenson said, “I am only an expert on one thing, and that is how to be me. And, I do it well .” It comes from one of my favorite TedX Talks that featured Sean, who is a former American author, therapist, and celebrated speaker. His thoughts inspired this episode on why you should never believe a prediction that doesn’t ignite you.

35 | Never Believe Predictions That Do Not Ignite you | John R. Miles
35 | Never Believe Predictions That Do Not Ignite you | John R. Miles

Thank you for listening to the Passion Struck podcast. In this powerful Momentum Friday Episode, John R. Miles discusses why predictions in our lives can be so destructive to us living a passion-driven life.

How many predictions are thrown at you your entire life? It seems everyone has something to say about your potential and what you can and cannot accomplish. Those friends, family, and “experts” who make predictions about your dreams and aspirations.

And, that can cause us to get stuck in life.

Because these predictions impact our self-narrative and belief system. That is why it is so vital we never believe a prediction that doesn’t ignite our human spirit.

Sean Stephenson also said, “never believe a prediction that doesn’t empower you.”

I love that quote, but believe there is a difference between predictions that empower you and those that ignite you.

Being empowered is the authority to be or do something. Whereas to ignite or ignition is that spark that fire, that emotion that takes you from wherever it is you are in your life and allows you to get that burning desire to accomplish more.

And, that is what today’s episode is all about. I am going to give you the 3 Reasons To Never Believe A Prediction That Doesn’t Ignite You.

Ignite that positive self-narrative that you can be whatever story you want to create for yourself. You are the star of your own life.

New Interviews with the World’s GREATEST high achievers will be posted every Tuesday with a Momentum Friday inspirational message!

Never Believe a Prediction That Doesn’t Ignite You Show Notes

  • Sean Stephenson Quote and Inspiration
  • Difference Between Ignite and Empower
  • How Predictions Lead To Self-Limiting Beliefs
  • The Prediction My English Teacher Made About Me
  • 3 Important Lessons About Predictions
  • We Are The Storyteller and Main Actor in Our Life
  • You Are Who You Believe You Can Be
  • We Are Living the Story We Create
  • Everyone Is Rooting For You To Win
  • Predictions Through The Light of PTSD

Quotes From John R. Miles

โ€œEveryone is waiting for you to win, even those who donโ€™t know you, but it all starts with you wanting yourself to win.โ€

“If you are not fulfilled in what you are doing, there is no way that you are living to your full capability.”

“When you think about that story, and where you are in your life, and you’re performing it day in and day out. Are you happy about where you are? Do you feel fulfilled? Are you living at your full capability? Are you living the life that you want to live?”

“But I can tell you; I’m doing this today because I made a choice in my own life that I wasn’t going to let the disabilities that impact me define who I am and the path I want to take in my own life.”

Sean Stephenson TedX


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