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Applying The Powerful Mosquito Principle | John R. Miles | Passion Struck Podcast

Thank you for Watching the Passion Struck โ„ข podcast. In this powerful Momentum Friday Episode, John R. Miles explains one of his most requested topics, the Mosquito Principle. And, why conducting a Mosquito audit is so important to unlocking the power within.

7 | Applying The Powerful Mosquito Principle: How to Conduct a Life Audit, Swat Out These Pests, and Maintain Forward Momentum
7 | Applying The Powerful Mosquito Principle: How to Conduct a Life Audit, Swat Out These Pests, and Maintain Forward Momentum

Just as these inconspicuous insects can wreck our health, there are many tiny โ€œmosquitosโ€ in our life (read acquaintances, influences, and habits) that rob us of our forward momentum. You will learn how the many โ€œmosquitosโ€ around you are sucking the motivation and impetus from your life.

What is the Mosquito Principle?

How is this relevant? As it is, your life probably contains several human versions of mosquitos quietly inhibiting your ability to become Passion Struck. As is the case with their real-life counterparts, there are many different types. Still, there are three very distinct versions of mosquitos you need to eliminate from your life โ€“ the bloodsucker, the invisible suffocator, and the PITA.

You need to understand both how to recognize them and how to conduct an audit to remove all three from your life, as well as any distracting activities, beliefs, or influences they may drag you into. The tiny mosquito is the most dangerous animal in the world and the cause of diseases like malaria, Japanese encephalitis, and the Zika virus.

The tiny mosquito is the most dangerous animal in the world and the cause of diseases like malaria, Japanese encephalitis, and the Zika virus. All told, these tiny flying insects kill more than one million people every year and account for 17% of the estimated global burden of infectious diseases. Worse, they can pass these diseases on to other parasites, increasing the risk to us humans further still.

Because these โ€œmosquitoesโ€ are cleverly disguised, John shares how to recognize the three different kinds of mosquitos in your life so that you can swat them out.

The Sharks And The Mosquitos โ€” Learn To Distinguish Which Is Which

As mentioned, so many of my peers have spent their whole careers worrying about the predators (letโ€™s call them sharks) in their life, rather than the mosquitos. But if you can learn how to distinguish between the two, you can take a shortcut to achieve your goals and objectives.

If you find yourself stalling early on in your journey, undertake this mosquito audit and remove those who will cause your problems moving forwards. Be warned; this is not easy. As mentioned, these donโ€™t have to only be people in your lives. They would be activities you are pursuing that distract you from your journey.

If you find yourself stalling early on in your journey, undertake this mosquito audit and remove those who will cause your problems moving forwards. Be warned; this is not easy. As mentioned, these donโ€™t have to only be people in your lives. They could be activities you are pursuing that distract you from your journey.

Tune in now!

You can watch the video of our full conversation below or just listen to the audio version as a podcast. If you want more content like this you can subscribe to my Youtube channel.

What You Will Learn In This Show About the Mosquito Principle

Why having sharks in your life is a good thing

Why the โ€œmosquitoโ€ is more dangerous than a shark

The 3 different kinds of โ€œmosquitosโ€ and how to swat them out

How to conduct a Mosquito Audit

Why it is so important that you do so

And so much moreโ€ฆ

Quotes About The Mosquito Principle

โ€œThe sharks in your life are helping you move forward. They are giving you the initiative to do things that you could not do without themโ€

“It is hard to soar with eagles when you are surrounded by turkeys” ~ Adam Sandler

“The quality of a personโ€™s life is almost always a direct reflection of their peer groupโ€™s expectationโ€ – Tony Robbins “

All told, these tiny flying insects kill more than one million people every year and account for 17% of the estimated global burden of infectious diseases.”


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